Portada » Centro de Idiomas


Nos destacamos como tu mejor elección gracias a nuestra vasta experiencia, profesionalismo y excelencia en calidad.
Our program has a pedagogical foundation that seeks to be flexible and well-articulated so that it can be picked up at any given point, building an adequate scaffolding of previous knowledge transitioning to the zone of proximal knowledge, focusing in the achievement of significant knowledge, drawing upon the Communicative Approach, since English is a lingua franca (Gordin, 2015) for science, technology and the technological community, enabling an access to relevant and current information as well as accessing communication with people throughout the world.Virtual learning platform is a plus to our program and it results from the socio-historical dynamics responding to current scientifical-technological development aiming to reach international standards.


To promote the development and understanding of the world, regarding the existing cultural diversity, as well as the diversity we enjoy in our own country, highlighting the importance of conveying ideas and opinions in English.

To develop skills at a personal, social and intellectual level, in order to reach the highest performance in productivity, considering the existent competitiveness there is in our globalized world.

To generate interest in the students taking part of the learning process by means of the pleasurable experiences provided by the material that has been prepared along this vision and methodology:Presentation—Practice—Product aiming towards a significant communicative practice.

To reach the exit profile equivalent to the B1.2 level in accordance to the CEFR (Common European Frame), as well as to the guidelines stablished by the National Curriculum.



The order that has been proposed is as follows, first the student registers, then student takes a placement test, and is contacted by means of an email or printed list to notify him or her on the grade and corresponding level. Virtual The student has then access to the grammatical contents displayed in the slide-video presentation, then he or she should study the reinforcement document, next student should do the demo exercises and finish all the evaluated assignment exercises. Each of these spaces will be opened once the student has fulfilled the previous required task. Once all have been fulfilled the space for the partial test will be opened, this process is repeated until all units have been studied, and the system then will give place to the final exam which will promote the student to the next level.


The following chart displays the way in which levels have been organized and in accordance to the virtual platform, according to the CEFR (Exam English Ltd., 2014) and COE parameters, with particular emphasis in bringing these to our socio-historical context:


This proposal should encompass values such as justice, innovation, generating solutions, responsibility, reflection, conveying ideas in a critical, clear and supportive manner, tolerance, diversity and respect towards the various existent cultures, in order to be well prepared for entering the workforce and even more to contribute creatively as citizens of the world.

English Proficiency Standards, students will readily comply the English Proficiency level fulfilling international standards, the goal is to reach a B1 or B1.2 level.


CLIC: refers to the interdisciplinarity , this means understanding the English teaching-learning as a whole that generates integration of contents of the different subjects, which results in productivity by having English as a key factor to the connection, communication, cultural perception, development of the cognitive process.

CEFR: abbreviation that stands for Common European Framework.

CLT: abbreviation that stands for Communicative Learning-Teaching Approach.

LANGUAGE ARTS: does not mainly refer to formal subjects devoted to the study of language, such as grammar, poetry, reading, writing, but all that is related to the use of language, such as text messages, online messages, etc.




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